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Wraparound Care

Golden Valley Primary School provides wraparound care (WAC) during term time only (not open on INSET days).

Sessions are available before and after school:

Monday - Friday 7.45am- 8.50am (£6.00 per child) and 3.30pm - 5.45pm (£11.00 per child).  Please note that breakfast will stop being served at 8.30am.

If you would like your child/ren to attend, you will need to: 

  1. Complete a registration form per child (available at the bottom of this page or a paper copy can be requested from the school office) and return it to school.   
  2. When your form has been processed you will be able to book sessions and a £20 registration fee will be added to your first booking.
  3. Book your sessions on ParentPay and make payment (if you wish to pay with Child Care Vouchers / Tax Free Childcare you must request these and send your confirmation to at least two weeks before you wish to use the vouchers so the amount can be added to ParentPay).   You can book as far in advance as you wish, but bookings close 7 days before the session.  You can make/change/cancel bookings until this time.
  4. If you need to request an additional booking after the bookings have closed please contact the school office.  If there is space the booking will be accepted but there will be an additional admin fee of 50p per late booking.  

Please note that a late collection fee of £15 will be charged if your child is not collected by 5.45pm.

If you need to get in touch with WAC:


Telephone school office: 01275 853077 (office hours are 8.00am - 4.30pm - there is an answerphone outside of these hours)

URGENT phone calls - if you need to contact the playleader during a session for emergency reasons: 07522 027449


Morning session:

Please drop children off at the fire doors into the hall. There is a doorbell push on the left-hand side of the doors. Please just ring the bell and a member of the team will answer the door as quickly as possible. Your child will then be taken to the Studio by our staff, and registered for the session. We regret that due to space constraints it will not be possible for you to accompany your child into the Studio.

Afternoon sessions:

Please collect children from the fire doors into the hall.  If there is nobody in the hall, please ring the bell and a member of staff will come to see which child you are collecting and will then fetch your child.

We accept childcare vouchers and are currently registered with Computershare, Care4, Sodexo, Fideliti, Edenred and the government's Tax Free Childcare service.