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PE and Sports Premium

PE Days 2024/25

Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on the following days:


  Week A Week B
YR Thursday Thursday
Y1 Monday & Wednesday Monday & Wednesday
Y2 Tuesday & Thursday Tuesday & Thursday
Y3 Monday & Thursday Monday & Thursday
Y4 Tuesday & Wednesday Wednesday & Thursday
Y5 Thursday & Friday Tuesday & Friday
Y6 Monday & Wednesday Monday & Wednesday


Sports Premium Planning

This year (2023-24) we intend to focus on using the funding to:

  • Ensure the new PE curriculum is fully embedded across the school and assess the impact of this new, progressive scheme of work on the children's attainment and enjoyment of PE across the school.
  • To continue to promote a whole school focus on the physical and emotional well-being of pupils in all PE and PSHE curriculum areas as well as in the quality and breadth of the extra-curricular opportunities provided.
  • Provide targeted PE CPD focusing on key areas identified from the staff audit in developing PE subject knowledge and confidence in delivering high quality PE lessons and differentiating effectively.
  • Review the impact and effectiveness of interventions to support and develop the children’s learning within PE.
  • Offer a varied and extensive range of opportunities for all children to access Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 competitions to ensure that all children have competed in at least one event across the year.
  • Highlight and celebrate sporting achievements across the school in the following ways: via the Golden Valley website, sharing successes in Key Stage assemblies, through media channels, updated sports boards around school and the use of 'Sports Achievement' awards.
  • Continue to promote a healthy lifestyle to all children through PE, PSHE and Sports Week (timetable including nutrition and well-being as well as a broad range of physical activities)
  • Build on the diverse programme of extra-curricular and after-school sporting opportunities and clubs.
  • Investigate the opportunity of installing a Multi-Use Games area to enhance the current all-year round provision of PE facilities.


Our plan for ensuring long term sustainability includes the following:

  • Continued CPD with both external and in-house training of staff to deliver high quality PE and school sport. This includes the teaching of swimming.
  • Continued close liaison with both sports providers and local schools to provide a range of level 2 and Level 3 sporting opportunities.
  • Membership of the North Somerset PE Association to ensure a broad provision of sporting activities to enable both inclusion and competition as well as close links with local/national clubs and coaches.
  • Ongoing development of young leaders within our school who provide ideas for stimulating, active play in their role as playground leaders and sports organising crew.
  • A rolling programme of maintenance and replacement of sports and play equipment for all.